RULES=HEARTS DELUXE is a four player point-based strategy card game. The object is to get the LEAST amount of points.
RULES=In a standard game all hearts count for 1 point, the queen of spades counts for 13 and the jack of diamonds is -10. "Shooting the Moon," which consists of taking the queen of spades and all thirteen hearts, is -26.
RULES=HEARTS DELUXE is played by dealing the deck out in full. After receiving thirteen cards, each player selects three unwanted cards and passes them. The pass rotates after each hand: first to the left, then to the right, then to the player across from you. Every fourth hand is a "keeper" in which, as in life, you must play the cards dealt you.
RULES=After the pass, the player with the two of clubs begins play by leading any club. The first card played need not be the two of clubs. The player who threw the highest card of the suit led takes the trick (a "trick" consists of all the cards on the table after everyone has played one card), and begins the next trick. Every player must follow suit if possible. If, however, you should find yourself out of the suit led, you may play any card in your hand. The one exception to this rule is on the very first trick, when no points (hearts or the queen of spades) may be played.
RULES=Furthermore, hearts or the queen of spades may not be led until one has been discarded in the course of play. After a heart or the queen of spades has been played, hearts are considered "broken" and may be led on subsequent tricks. Play continues until there are no more cards left. At this point the score for that round is tabulated and a new hand is dealt. The game is over when one player exceeds the point limit set for the game. The player with the lowest score wins.
RULES=The above rules apply for the "standard" game of Hearts which HEARTS DELUXE is set to play when first run. However, HEARTS DELUXE supports many rule variations which you can set under the RULES menu. A brief description of the optional rules is provided below.
RULES=JACK OF DIAMONDS: When checked, the jack of diamonds is worth -10.
RULES=QUEEN OF SPADES: When checked, the queen of spades is worth +13.
RULES=NO TRICK RULE: When checked, players receive a -5 bonus for taking no points in a hand.
RULES=ROTATE LEAD: When checked, the lead rotates, instead of the two of clubs deciding the lead.
RULES=TURN OFF PASSING: When checked, no passing will occur. All hands are "keepers."
RULES=TWO OF CLUBS MUST LEAD: When checked the two of clubs must be led on the first trick.
RULES=BLEED ON FIRST TRICK: When checked, you may play Hearts or the Queen on the first trick.
RULES=QUEEN IS NOT A HEART: When checked playing the Queen of Spades does not "break" hearts.
STRATEGY="The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked."
STRATEGY=The most obvious strategy is to play low cards, which is all well and good if you have them, but somewhat more difficult when you do not.
STRATEGY=In fact, high cards are just as important as low cards in winning the game (particularly in a standard game in which the jack of diamonds is -10). The most dangerous cards to have in your hand are the seven through jack of any suit. These are the cards that will end up bringing you the least strategic advantage and, therefore, the most unwanted points.
STRATEGY=A good rule to follow when beginning is to play your high cards on the first lead of a suit and move to your lower cards when the suit is led again. With each play of a suit it is increasingly likely that one of the other players will be out of that suit and thus able to discard points (either hearts or, far worse, the queen of spades.)
STRATEGY=There are a few instances in which high cards will prove extremely useful. The first is Shooting the Moon. Shooting the Moon is when one player takes all the points in a round, every heart (1 point each) and the queen of spades (13) if she's being used. When this happens, the player who has shot the moon receives -26 points, (or -36 with the jack of diamonds,) which is quite an incentive to try this risky play.
STRATEGY=When Shooting the Moon, the longer you can hide your intention to do so from your opponents, the better. When shooting, the more high cards you've got, the better off you are. The most dangerous cards to have in your hand when attempting to shoot are low hearts in a run of very few hearts. When these are led they will tend to be picked up (accidentally or on purpose -- depending on how smart the other players are), thereby costing you your shot.
STRATEGY=Whenever you see a run of face cards (ace, king, and queen in any suit or more than two aces), it's worth examining your hand for shoot potential.
STRATEGY=Another reason for holding onto high cards is to stop other people from Shooting the Moon. It is particularly dangerous to give up the ace or king of hearts early in the game, especially if one player seems to be maintaining the lead. With the ace of hearts in your hand you can almost always stop an attempt to Shoot the Moon by another player.
STRATEGY=Finally, high cards are useful for capturing the jack of diamonds. High diamonds are, of course, the most useful, but as the jack is often discarded in the last two tricks, it is often easier to take the jack with a high card in some other suit. Save a few high cards -- they aren't as dangerous as you might think, most of the time!
STRATEGY=When playing with the queen of spades, the number of points in each round doubles from thirteen to twenty-six (the queen being worth thirteen points). Therefore, the danger of taking any trick is decidedly increased.
STRATEGY=Rules For Avoiding The Queen:
STRATEGY=The best way to avoid taking the queen is to have a run of spades from the jack downwards and to lead those cards at every opportunity. If you have led a spade lower than the queen, you can be assured of not taking the Black Maria in that trick. To avoid the queen it is usually a good idea to lead a low spade whenever you have the opportunity. This will draw out the queen (suck out the poison) and ensure that someone else will get stuck with her and a whole lot of points. Other than that, avoiding the queen is much like avoiding hearts. Beware of taking tricks in suits that have been played more than twice and beware of mid-range cards.
STRATEGY=Everybody takes the queen sometimes, so don't worry about it too much. The trick is simply to take the queen less.
STRATEGY=Passing cards at the beginning of each hand is the perhaps the most important aspect of your game.
STRATEGY=There are two basic passing strategies.
STRATEGY=The first, and most obvious, is to simply rid your hand of the dangerous cards: High hearts; the ace, king, or queen of spades; or any other high card.
STRATEGY=A second strategy is to try to empty your hand of a single suit by passing only one suit to your opponent. Once you have no cards of a particular suit left, you can discard your dangerous cards every time that suit is led.
STRATEGY=Remember, though, that your opponents will be passing too, and they will be looking at your pass to see patterns. If you always pass three clubs, it doesn't take a genius of an opponent to realize your habit. It is a good policy to keep your passes flexible and tailored to each hand.
STRATEGY=When Shooting the Moon, your pass is particularly crucial and can also be the first tip to your opponents of your intentions. Get rid of low hearts. These will get you every time.
STRATEGY=Ultimately your strategy will grow as you learn the game and it becomes a reflection of yourself. Conservative, bold, unpredictable or not -- HEARTS DELUXE will reveal the very heart of your nature.
INTERFACE=Click on a card to select it.
INTERFACE=Click on a card already chosen for a pass to unselect it.
INTERFACE=The PASS button will appear closest to the player who will receive your pass.
INTERFACE=Click on the SCORE PAD on the lower left of the table to show the score.
INTERFACE=Click on the CUP OF JOE on the lower right of the table to tell the computer to finish the hand for you.
INTERFACE=ABOUT HEARTS: Contains information on FreeVerse Software, the makers of HEARTS DELUXE.
INTERFACE=NEW GAME: Begins a new game with the current settings.
INTERFACE=BOSS COMING: A panic button in case you really should be working.
INTERFACE=LOAD NEW OPPONENTS: Will ask you to select a new group of adversaries and load them in. You can download new sets of opponents, from Bill Clinton to Alice in Wonderland from our web site at WWW.FREEVERSE.COM.
INTERFACE=HOW DO I REGISTER?: Provides for the easy registraion of this great software. Do the right thing!
INTERFACE=JACK OF DIAMONDS: When checked, the jack of diamonds is worth -10.
INTERFACE=QUEEN OF SPADES: When checked, the queen of spades is worth +13.
INTERFACE=NO TRICK RULE: When checked, players receive a -5 bonus for taking no points in a hand.
INTERFACE=ROTATE LEAD: When checked, the lead rotates, instead of the two of clubs deciding the lead.
INTERFACE=TURN OFF PASSING: When checked, no passing will occur. All hands are "keepers."
INTERFACE=TWO OF CLUBS MUST LEAD: When checked the two of clubs must be led on the first trick.
INTERFACE=BLEED ON FIRST TRICK: When checked, you may play Hearts or the Queen on the first trick.
INTERFACE=QUEEN IS NOT A HEART: When checked playing the Queen of Spades does not "break" hearts.
INTERFACE=HANDICAP: This pop-up menu sets your initial score.
INTERFACE=SCORE: This pop-up menu sets point limit of the game.
INTERFACE=SMALL SETTINGS: These three options let you customize some small aspects of the Hearts Deluxe interface.
INTERFACE=WINDOWS: This menu changes the pictures in the window.
INTERFACE=TUTOR MODE: The computer coaches the player in various aspects of the game.
INTERFACE=DEMONSTRATION: When checked, the computer will play itself.
INTERFACE=SMART-DUMB: These pop-up menus set the I.Q. of your opponents.
INTERFACE=DIABOLO: This setting will make the game much harder to win; your opponents are computers afterall... :)
INTERFACE=These options are reserved for registered users.
INTERFACE=STATISTICS: Shows stats about the game. It does not reset between games.
INTERFACE=LAST TRICK: Shows the last trick played.
INTERFACE=TELEPATHY: When this item is checked clicking the mouse on your opponents heads will open up a window into their thoughts. This feature is provided for its curiosity value, and to add realism for those of us lucky enough to read minds normall